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Our Services











Sound Therapy is the use of sacred instruments producing

vibrational sounds that can have various physical and physciological effects on the human body. Sound that enters the body as waves, has great power to shift stagnant energy, emotions and energy blockages to create a change.

​There are different types of sound therapy, but all of them

produce vibrations that alter your brain waves and can shift frequencies from low to higher vibrations inducing an overall feeling of well being.

We hold regular soundbaths from our home in Mountsorrel, and sometimes other local venues when requested. These sessions last for an hour.

Here at Charnwood Reiki Sound, we are well equipped with a large array of harmonic sound instruments, which we infuse with Reiki before each session.

 The instruments include:


Soundbath Charnwood Reiki Sound
Paiste Gongs Charnwood Reiki Sound

10 crystal singing bowls, Crystal Pyramid, 4 Tibetan healing bowls,  Shamanic drums, 2 crystal therapy bowls, Steel hand drum, Various chimes, Large ocean drum, Chinese Chau gong, 2 large Paiste symphonic gongs, Rain Tower, 2 large Paiste planet gongs, Sound Creation gong

Jacqueline Charnwood Reiki Sound 121 Reiki
Mel Charnwood Reiki Sound 121 healing

These sessions are an hour long.
Half an hour will be an individual soundbath using Gongs, then Native American drumming over the body, creating frequency and rhythm, which can help bring you in alignment with your unique resonance.
We also use crystal singing bowls which are attuned to each specific chakra ( placed under the chakras if it’s a 121 session) and hand held singing bowls, also to balance the chakras.
The sounds created in the soundbath will cleanse and relax you, this in turn will prepare you to receive Reiki as you will be open to receiving.
We use crystals placed on or around the chakras for the Reiki treatment with a black obsidian crystal to hold in your hand and you will be asked to release any unwanted energy into it. The sessions are £30 1 to 1, or come with a friend £20 each.
Reiki and sound together are a wonderful combination of therapies that will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated!


Here at Charnwood Reiki Sound, not only do we give Reiki on a 1 to 1 private basis, we can also carry out the training and attumenents needed for anyone to achieve all three levels of Usui Reiki at a very affordable price of £65 for each level.
We also run a monthly Reiki Share, which is friendly gathering of Reiki practitioners of all levels who participate in group Reiki treatments on each other. The main purpose of the Reiki share is to give and receive Reiki in a casual atmosphere of friendship and positivity.

Reiki booklets level 1 level 2 level 3 charnwood reiki share
Reiki Share Charnwood Reiki Sound


Level 2 Practitioner

​​​​QHHT- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a special kind of past life regression created by Dolores Cannon over her 45 year career as a hypnotherapist.

It connects you to your higher self and brings forward the most  appropriate past life that connects you with the life you are now living, to help find answers to your personal, spiritual and physical health issues.

QHHT helps you release old energies that no longer serve you by understanding why you are holding on to them.

The sessions take 3-4 hours, as we chat for about an hour or so to start with to learn your life story and get to know each other. This helps me to be guided when things come up in a past life that relate to your life now. 

Then I talk you through a short visualisation meditation, so you can get into a nice relaxed state before I start the induction for the past life. 

QHHT isn't a cure-all and I cannot guarantee that you will get all the desired results because everyone's situation is unique. But the process is always beneficial and can help give you the tools and understanding you need for your healing and information.

I will record the session and send the audio via WhatsApp.

I run my QHHT sessions on weekdays  from 10.30am. 

Full 1 to 1 sessions are currently at a special price of £50.
With group taster sessions at £15.



QHHT past lives hynosis Mel and Jackie Charnwood Reiki Sound

We occasionally hold Cacao and Sound ceremonies at Charnwood Reiki Sound, each usually lasts around
3 hours for £15.
As the ceremony unfolds, we work with raw ceremonial cacao, a drink prepared in the traditional way.
In the Andean culture, cacao is used to help people release negativity and emotional suffering, and experience
universal love.
It is also full of nutrients, making cacao a superfood that has been used in ceremonies dating back to the Mayans and Aztecs.
We also include a soundbath to connect with your senses, clear energy blockages, and balance your emotions, through the healing power of sound and vibrations. 

Cacao ceremon Charnwood Reiki Sound
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The Munay Ki are a body of wisdom teachings and practices, energy empowerments and initiations that have been held in a sacred trust by generations of men and women in the Andes.
In their current form they are a collection of the lineage rites, of the Quero, the Inca people, and of other Andean traditions. Created in a form that it is hoped people of all cultures and backgrounds on the planet, at this time, may be able to understand, accept and benefit from.
They take us on a journey of healing, balance and transformation. Discovery and rediscovery of who we are, who we came here to be and whom we are becoming.
The 9 rites are given as seeds of sacred energy via attunements. The rites are:

The Healers Rite, The Bands of Power, Harmony Rite, Seers Rite, The Daykeepers rite, Wisdomkeepers rite, Earthkeepers rite, Starkeepers rite and the Creator rite.
Having received these rites ourselves from Andean lineage, we are able to pass them on to anyone who feels called to greater connection with spirit.

Mel Charnwood Reiki Sound plays native american flute
Munay Ki Rite Charnwood Reiki Sound
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